Acupuncture Treatment Los Angeles | Cupping Therapy, Aromatherapy CA

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Robert Youngs, L.Ac, Dipl. O.M., MFA


Robert Youngs, L.Ac, Dipl.OM, is an Acupuncturist and Herbalist.

Robert works with those ready for Opening up Flow in their lives as they heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. Using consistent acupuncture, herbs, mindfulness, meditation and the principles of a balanced life we address current issues, prevent future ones and progress towards deep inner peace, happiness and full expression of our true Selves.

Robert treats all health issues and specializes in women’s health issues such as PMS, fertility, hormonal acne, stress, anxiety and feeling stuck. He is a great resource for helping to achieve your full potential in life.

A former New Yorker Robert loves theater, film, music, sand volleyball, surfing & KCRW. He is a passionate accumulator of scientific information and healing tips. He hold educational degrees from Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Methodist University and Columbia University.

Robert has appeared on CBS News, ClevverTV, The Try Guys and is a contributor to Mindbodygreen, Byrdie, Elephant Journal, The Chalkboard Magazine & Curejoy. He has featured on wellness panels at Love Beauty Wellness Festival.

Connect with Robert on IG: @YoungsHealth